The Triforce does its thing and then scatters at the worst possible moment. Overwrought with grief, she makes for the Triforce and uses it to wish Link back to life. Link’s body is discovered and news of his death reaches Zelda.

Skull Kid scares Epona, Link hits his head and dies. Since the time travel occurs through the Sacred Realm, Link returns again to the Temple of Time. The “Child” timeline is created when Zelda, using the Ocarina of Time and her powers as a Sage, sends Link back in time in order to reclaim the years he lost. However, in this Adult ending, there no longer exists a Hero, and eventually when Ganondorf escapes from his seal, there is no hero to stop them. After Link defeats Ganondorf, Princess Zelda sends Link back to relive his childhood.

Is there a secret ending in Ocarina of Time?Ī world at peace… without a Hero. He never finished his quest in Ocarina of Time. Not in “Timeline A,” at least – that’s the new, Nintendo-official offshoot of the Zelda franchise canon that boldly asserts that Link is dead. That’s why Navi flew out the window and left Link behind: she couldn’t bear the thought of Link seeing her die. The Deku Tree created her for the purpose of assisting Link in his quest, and when Link placed the Master Sword back into the pedestal at the end of the game, that purpose was completed. Why does Navi leave at the end of Ocarina? The Three Heart Challenge, known as a Six Heart Challenge in the case of Skyward Sword, is an optional challenge where a game in The Legend of Zelda series is completed without obtaining or forming a Heart Container, keeping only the starting Heart Containers throughout the game. Beat it like you would normally and remember NOT to pick the Heart Container when you defeat Gohma. Great Deku Tree: This dungeon shouldn’t pose any problems at all since you have to beat it with 3 hearts in a normal game anyway. Just get the kokiri sword and the deku shield and get inside the great deku tree. Can you beat Ocarina of Time with 3 hearts?